My Step Dad is a Warlock

2007 04/19

My Step Dad is a Warlock - Dan

Come see it! Emerson College’s Cabaret. Sunday, April 29th @ 8:00pm

Update: The show, my last as a performer in ECW, went off brilliantly. Eric Larnick, ECW guru called it “one of the tightest shows we’ve ever done.” High praise, good crowd response, a few ridiculous sketches. It was a nice send off. Thanks to everyone who came out and supported us and our stupid comedy. We love you guys.

Aerosmith Live! (not really)

2007 03/23

Stalin Flyer

The latest ECW show was one we all thought would be a really great show. and it could have been… if more people had showed up. A bad weekend to have a show, I guess. I don’t know. Thanks to everyone that did show up. We had a lot of videos, and I liked that about it.


2007 01/27

The FUN!damentalists

ECW are playing our first show of the new semester… sort of. Come see us open the comedy extravaganza “Free for the Weekend” on Friday at the Bill Bordy Theatre: 8pm. Credit Johnny “Chewbacca” Chew for creating this cool logo for the sketch.

Trail Mix of Tears

2006 12/14

Trail Mix of Tears Flyer

ECW’s last show of the semester is coming. Yes, I do not understand why there is a big picture of a bird on this flyer. No, it is not relevant. No, the name of this show has no meaning. Show names need not make sense as long as they somehow involve a pun.

Martian Luther Thing

2006 11/03

Martian Luther Thing Flyer - Dan

This will be the first comedy show at Emerson that I’ve been to. And I’m in it. Boy am I self-centered. Hey everyone! Look at this picture of me! me! me! me!